An unforgettable cinematic experience.
A magical universe where realism and emotion coexist.
A marvellous ode to human bonds and the beauty of the planet.
Stands out for its ability to transform a survival story into a deeply human and moving story.
Truly impeccable.
A hymn to peace.
A sublime visual universe.
Breath taking and moving.
An environmental fable full of poetry.
Takes us through all the emotions, from wonder to tears.
A hidden gem with a lot to offer: a compelling story, marvellous sights and scenes, a heartfelt friendship that both hurts and heals that lost soul within one’s self, and characters so charming they’ll continue to live on in everyone’s hearts long after the film is over.
Michael Morpurgo’s 1999 children’s book comes vividly to life in Neil Boyle and Kirk Hendry’s joint feature debut. Seasoned screenwriter Frank Cottrell Boyce is on board too, and yet this is likely one of his sparsest screenplays yet, leaning into the subtleties of the animation.
The art style and animation brings both a realism and a fantasy edge to the presentation. The lavishly detailed environments create a depth to the island that makes you feel like you could walk into it.